Mini-HOWTOs |
Replacement Parts |
Supplies and Staples |
Routine Maintenance |
Troubleshooting |
Here you'll find everything you need to know to keep your Audi in top condition:
- In the Mini-HOWTOs section, you'll find instructions for fixing small problems.
This is where to look if you have a simple issue whose answer should be in the owner's manual, but isn't. Nothing
in this section requires any tools besides a screwdriver.
- In the Replacement Parts section is a list of cross-referenced part numbers for
OEM Audi parts. Use this to find the manufacturer's (i.e. Bosch) part number to an Audi part, or a suitable aftermarket
- In the Supplies and Staples section, you'll see specifications and tips useful for choosing and replacing common
fluids and such.
- In the Routine Maintenance section, you'll see tips and recommendations for the
mundane (but not necessarily obvious) routine maintenance tasks necessary to keep your Audi in good shape. There are not
procedures in this section.
- The Troubleshooting section will help you track down problems as they occur, and
point you towards a solution.
- The HOWTOs section contains detailed procedures for maintenance tasks, from changing
dash lights to changing head gaskets. Many of these procedures are not for the faint of heart, and shouldn't be attempted
if you don't have the proper tools, supplies, confidence, and time to complete the task. A spare vehicle often helps
as well. You've been warned.