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Middle housing (end plate) - showing switch to wide 1st gear w/ 211B housing
It's important to understand that the casting number, cast into a part
is not necessarily the same as the part number. This middle housing
is a good example. This middle housing has a number 01E 301 211 cast
into the metal; but it does not show the "B" suffix for that part.
(I'm told later production 211B housings did have the "B" suffix).
See this set of pictures to tell whether a transmission has the "B"
middle housing
Part # 01E 301 211 01E 301 211 B 01E 301 211 B |
Application 5/6 Spd 5/6 Spd 6 Spd |
Notes CGR   >>77643   CET/CBL/CMG   >>79444 CGR   77644>>   CET/CBL/CMG   79445>>   all CRB EDU |
------------- 01E 301 231 J 01E 301 231 L 01E 301 231 N |
-------- 5/6 Spd 6 Spd 6 Spd |
------------ All CGR/CRB EDU |
------------------ S4 / S6 / V8 / A8 S2 / RS2 S4tt / A6tt |
------------- 01E 301 453 C 01E 301 453 D 01E 301 453 F |
-------- 5/6 Spd 6 Spd 6 Spd |
------------ All CGR/CRB EDU |
------------------ S4 / S67 / V8 / A8 S2 / RS2 |
------------- 01E 301 103 01E 301 103 A 01E 301 103 J 01E 301 103 K |
-------- 5/6 Spd 6 Spd 6 Spd 6 Spd |
------------ CET/CBL CMG/CBM/CBN DGV EDU |
------------------ 5 Cyl. V8 A8 V8 2.7L V6 tt |
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This information and pictures copyright © Charles Smith, 2002.