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For water spray, there's a very neat way to do it. An outfit called Labtronics, in Adelaide South Australia, has a microprocessor controlled spray unit. It's called the Autospeed / Labtronics Intelligent Intercooler Water Spray. It's a very well done unit that monitors ambient temperature and intercooler temperature on the BACK of the intercooler, and knows when you've got a load on the engine by watching the duty cycle of an injector. Both load and temperature sensitivity are adjustable so it can figure when to close a relay controlling a water spray pump. This really helps conserve whatever fluid you are using. There's an article about it here:Here's Autospeed articles about this control
It seems to me that this was around $100US by the time it was shipped here. You can email labtron@chariot.net.au or spary@labtron.com.au for more info. And if you are going this way, I'd highly recommend the Davtron Intercooler Temperature Gauge. It shows before / after / differential temperatures via thermocouples in the intercooler. An address is:www.davtron.com
You will have to call and ask for the intercooler differential temperature gauge, it's not listed on the web page. Try (650) 369-1188 or email to davtron@aol.com As I recall, this was about $150 and it's not always in stock, you may have to wait until they produce a batch. - Charlie
- Charlie Smith
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