If you ask 10 electrical engineers how to solder two wires together, you will get 10 different answers -- and possibly a fistfight if all 10 engineers happen to be in the same room at the same time. So just because I'm telling you how to solder two wires together doesn't mean I know the only way, or even the best way, to do it. I just know my own way, which has worked well for me in the past.
Of course one can't have a soldering tutorial without the standard disclaimer, so here it goes. Soldering irons get very hot, and will burn the heck out of you if you touch them. Don't ever touch the metal part of the soldering iron! Don't solder on your coffee table, or you will burn it. Don't solder on your formica kitchen counter, or you will melt it. If you solder on a wooden table, you run the risk of making big burn marks on the table, and perhaps even torching it. Never leave a soldering iron unattended.
So having said that, how do you solder two wires together? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Here's what you'll need:

Here's what to do:

Done! If you have multiple wires to connect, do one wire at a time. Also, don't cut all of the wires at the same spot; 'stagger' them so that where one joint ends, the next begins. This way, if something goes wrong and one of your connections becomes exposed, there will be less chance that it will arc and short with another one.
