Adjusting manifold switchover butterfly gap...

In the above pic you can see what appears to be a piece of paper sitting in a completely closed butterfly. It's actually a single piece of 20# copy paper folded over 4 times which creates a VERY "close-to" .015" thickness. What you want is a piece of paper that can be moved with butterflies closed while being pressed firmly against the "stop" provision (circled in red) but not without slight friction to move it up/down or sideways when in this position. Always best to start at the closest butterfly to the actuator linkage as the butterfly shaft will twist/deflect easier the further away you are from this point. Once done, remove paper and test for full-open/full-closed binding in ALL other butterfly plates above and below shafts for binding. If binding occurs then use the same piece of paper in the offending butterfly bore. If binding still persists then adjust the stop provision by tapping lightly up or down to adjust the tightest fitting butterfly plate you found in the above instructions and then set the gap using the above method in "that" bore.

Butterfly stop adjusting pin is circled in red.