Throttle body inlet coarse work...

This pic is the area just inside the throttle body. Everything here is dressed and smoothed to allow a faster, smoother tranistion of air from the throttle body into the intake plenum area.

Towards the end of this week I'll be going back to this area with tapered sanding cones and getting a little closer and tighter into some smaller radii recesses with their tapered tips.

The hole in this pic on the left side is ISV port and the one in the lower TB intake area is the EGR port into the intake tract. The one everyone hits with a braided wire for cleaning. When the time comes we're going to ream/polish this port to a mirror-like finish inside. That way it'll be harder for carbon, sludge and other oily desposits to stick to.

The finish in this area prior to my work was identical to the rough/grainy area to the left and below the ISV port. Some of the lager pits like below the EGR port at the 8 o:clock position will be back-filled with epoxy putty then resanded. Most smaller pitting and some (unreachable by sander) rough areas will be completely filled with epoxy and smoothed out via the Glyptal coating we're going to apply near the end of the workshop.